Please do not turn Steemit into Clickbait Land

I discovered Steemit recently and the idea behind it is truly noble in my opinion. I remember watching an interview with professor Michio Kaku where he predicts future wealth distribution based on people's reputation on social networks. While many people are already making money through social networks in one way or another, steemit is the first real representation of what professor Kaku was describing in his interview.

BUT... after spending several hours browsing through steemit, my honest impression was that 95% of posts here are total clickbait Bull****. For steemit to succeed, I think posters as well as steemit admins need to ask ourselves a few questions:
1. What value does the information in my post (or steemit as a whole) bring to readers.
2. How do we make steemit more attractive? Not trying to be that as***le, but steemit interface looks primitive (to put it mildly) compared to other social networks (including reddit). To be fair, I can see myself getting used to the interface with time. Had similar opinion for reddit before it became the number one social network in my list.
3. How to attract really popular people to steemit? When celebrities come, crowds will follow (think reddit AMA). Although this means more competition and less $$ for the average Joe like myself, this is the way for steemit to survive long term.

As simple as these questions may sound, huge amount of thinking must be put in the above topics by very smart people. Take for example question 3. If celebs do come here, imagine the response to a pair of boobs or a bottle of champagne posted by the right person. Wouldn't such posts make ordinary ppl's posts negligible in comparison? Respectively the rewards for you and me will become negligible (please correct me if my understanding of steemit is wrong). So maybe celebrity accounts should be put in a separate category, that reduces the rewards at least for posts that don't bring any value. But that will make steemit more unattractive to celebs. And how is value determined in the first place?

I really hope that people way smarter than me are figuring those out, because I believe the idea behind steemit deserves to succeed. Until then, let me read another article "How I made 42000 $ since I discovered steemit one month ago".

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