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Tree House Inkaterra Canopy _ Puerto Maldona, Peru.

Tree House Inkaterra Canopy _ Puerto Maldona, Peru.


a tree house, built named Inkaterra Canopy located in the part of the Amazon forest located in Peru country is perfect for those who love challenges. A tree house built on a 27-meter-tall tree will surely give a sensation to the person who lives in it. Plus when in this hotel we will be treated to a forest view that is second to none. Even so people who stay at this hotel do not have to worry about the affairs of eating and others, because even though this building is located in the forest. Inkaterra Canopy is actually part of a special offer offered by a luxury resort just a kilometer from the tree house. To connect the resort with a tree house was built a bridge as high as 30, which also serves as a vehicle for a spectacular night tour. As for communicating with the waiters, guests staying at Inkaterra Canopy will be provided with Walkie Talkie.