RE: Steemit is not just about the money

Steemit is a platform where one can earn while learning something and interacting with lots of people all around the world. But, unfortunately this platform has become a means of satisfying greed.
I have competed six months here and has also invested some money to power up my account but I never upvote my own posts or comments. I always try hard to write quality posts. However, I could not get enough reward for my hardwork.
I never have flagged anyone's post, except in one occasion. But In some occasions my comments were flagged by some people because they were not agree with me! Everyone has a right to express his/her views. Should flagging be allowed in such cases where one is not agree with others? Is this not the abusive behavior? It is necessary to flag a plagiarized content or a spamming message but flagging should not be allowed to shut someone's voice.

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