'Pole Game Time!'

'Pole Game Time!'

I just want to share with you my dear steemians my 'Pole Game' with friends! This is one of my favorite game. When I was in my college days, I go with my cousins to this game as onlooker and I am their favorite one! They always think they are better than me, coz they are older and tougher coz they are guys. They are so boastful. I just observe them, and ask questions why they do this and that, why they hit it that way and that! They always give answers so I actually learned by theory! And one day to their surprise, I asked if I can join the game. They were so shocked, and looked at each other, three of them. Then they said ok, you be the partner of one of our cousins. They have been playing for awhile, and they were shocked that I scored really high. They were shocked that they lost and treated me to my favorite restaurant. From that time on, I liked the game, and I become better and better. So, I decided, that whoever guy will try to date me, I have to bring them to the pole game, and if they bit me, then they have the chance for a second date. And to my surprise, none of them bit me, except my husband! (reason why??? I let him win), he, he, he! He is the only man who bit me in pole game! I hope my dear steemians, i amuse you with my story! Thanks for reading it! and 'til then! God bless you all!

That's me about to start the game . . .

And that's still me in action!

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