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The Cancer that spreads through Steemit

There is a Cancer that spreads through this platform, and because downvoting costs people their voting power, they instead choose to ignore it.

I started posting on the Steemit platform on the advice of a friend, but when I sift through the data, there are cancerous growths that are eating the platform from the inside out. @ berniesanders is the main culprit, but he/she/they have a lot of alt accounts that upvote berniesander.

It's a joke.

Only x amount of Steem is created each day, and these asshat eat up almost all of it because they can, and because they get a laugh out of it. berniesanders (I'm not going to link directly to him because he will just downvote me like he does to anyone that he can than cry about and then upvote with all his alt accounts (@dan why did you not take into account the abusers?), and eat up a lot of the daily gains that other hardworking users deserve.

This platform will not survive with the systens in place that allow asshats to eat up all the reward pool. Haejin is yet another alt of Bernie sanders that eats up a lot of the reward pool.

I will continue to talk about berniesanders everyday until someone with enough voting power downvotes him into a pancake. It's almost blasphemy that he even uses the name "bernie sanders," but the selfish behavior makes it so ironic and angering.