Why steemit inc should buy wordpress and Quora (or Answers.com) and how Acquisitions of old Internet Communities could bring us millions of new users to steem.

So I was thinking about how we have this amazing Front End Wordpress plug that let's wordpress users add a steem account and posting key to auto post to steem from their Wordpress Blog, and how its all thanks to @fredrikaa & @howofr 's project @steempress https://steem.press ...... And sooo...... I was wondering ...... why can't Steemit Inc just acquire Wordpress.com ? :D I know it may seem expensive but I've looked up the stats and there is no way Wordpress is worth even 50 million dollars, its probably worth a lot less, and unless it's handled by a new and exciting blockchain like steem, its just going to end up a liability with crickity old source code that is out of date and will need to be digitally remodeled anyway! So why not just let Fredrikaa and Howofr just run an Acquisition Team and let them absorb Wordpress directly into Steem :D I know I know, it sounds like a CRAZY dream but I HAD to do a little homework to find out if its possible and after finding out how badly coded and out of date Wordpress is, I think it really is possible now for Steemit Inc to buy Wordpress :D

Here is the Steempress plugin link:https://wordpress.org/plugins/steempress/

So I looked up how much Wordpress was worth and the first Google result was a Quora.com result about how much Wordpress is worth and first we see THIS little old 2014 factoid from Google which is a bit misleading and makes Wordpress seem a lot more valuable than they are:


So This is all 2014 numbers and so I am sure no one is giving Wordpress any money these days :D no one cares about Wordpress but they still have over 70 Million Blogs and probably tens of millions of still active users, and theyd get even more active if they knew that they could now get a chance to earn some cryptocurrency through the soon to be integrated steem blockchain! How cool would that be to be able to just tell all wordpress users that hey you now can use your wordpress blog on the steem blockchaina nd earn bitcoin or whatever crypto you want! With the Steem.Press website and plugin you can actually do that already and if we had steemit inc purchase wordpress we could gut the wordpress app and make it assign you a steem account instead of a wordpress account, or we could use wordpress as a new steem front end or server, we could just use wordpress.com to help run steemit.com and just use the servers to help run the steem blockchain and make the Wordpress App and Website have direct steem integration.

I believe we could maybe not out right purchase wordpress but a partnership could allow for wordpress to give Steem a Lot of free marketing on the wordpress website if they add a big banner that states Wordpress will be working with Steem to get Wordpress Bloggers paid if they want. We may not need to bring every blog over to Steem but just offer a better service for helping wordpress users signup and plugin their posting keys to steem.press because if they do we could gain tens of millions of new users and potentially drive demand up for steem so high we could be seeing $8 steem again WITHOUT needing Bitcoin to rally again!

So here is the Qora page I was talking about which mentions Wordpress using outdated code. which made me think that Steemit Inc buying wordpress would be possible:

So as you can see Quora.com is a Website similar to Answers.com where people Askl and Answer questions but all they get for it are some badges and little stars next to their name, no pay but with Steem integration we can change that!

So here we are also proving my second point that Steemit Inc should also purchase Quora.com because they have such a great community of people ready to answer questions which is perfect for steem and provides that use case that investors are hungry for. Now, we already have a website that is like this, a steem front end project called @peerquery https://peerquery.com but sadly its gone under noticed and under used but we can bring it to life and make it popular if we just absorbed a website like Quora or answers.com and then integrated Steem into it. So here is what PeerQuery.com looks like:

As you can see iit is a Steem Front end much like Qora or Answers.com where people ask questions and answer them and get paid both for asking good questions and giving good answers! All using Steem blockchain!

I believe that if we proposed the purchase of Quora or Answers.com we could transform them into Steem Hubs for getting people educated about Steem and we can populate the website with questions and answers about how the Steem blockchain and DPOS works! This is a great educational tool with many features that help provide context for a persons work experience oir education, a system to allow others to verify you etc, and I believe this is a system that is ripe for steem integration and which offers a lot for us on the blockchain! Now we should probably just keep working with Peer Query but imagine if we acquired Answers.com or Quora.com and then combined the websites, and created a space for a Steem School where users could educate each other and get paid to teach and learn! Well it may be afar off dream but I believe it could be something healthy to focus on to practice expanding the steem front end. Wordpress and Quora would be great additions to the steem ecosystem and maybe we can just create our own front end experience but by using front ends like the steempress system we can allow users to simply signup with steem, get their posting key ready and insert it into a front end and they end up just getting paid for their posts if they end up getting seen on steem.

Since Wordpress has tens of millions of users we could REALLY increase the demand for steem this way as soon as these Wordpress Bloggers all start realizing that a small investment in Steempower could help them earn a lot more from their Blog as theyd be able to upvote their own posts to get seen on Trending easier. I do believe by absorbing Wordpress we could double or triple the marketcap of Steem by creating so much new demand and such a new large healthy user base that steem just becomes the backbone of the global blogosphere, because who wants top be censored and NOT have a backup of their content on the blockchain and who doesn't want to get paid in basically Bitcoin for their content?

I also was thinking about Steemit Inc acquiring some other platforms like Gab.ai, Voat, since they are pretty much failed at becoming the new reddit and could easily be gutted and then possibly turned into steem front ends.

gab and Voat need to be either acquired or marketed towards, we have the killer product for all of their users who DESIRE and LUST after what WE have! They only WENt to Gab.ai and Voat from reddit due to censorship issues so STEEM will be their FINAl stop! ANYONE who is worried about censorship WILl end up on Steem! It is the most logical thing! So if we just purchase these websites we can get millions of users and probobly get a great deal because they arent worth very much. OR we just market towards those users the same way I always talk about marketing towards reddit users, and then we end up with millions of new users perfect for steem!

(Here is an example of a popular Subreddit https://reddit.com/r/bitcoin which has as many subscribers as steem has users, and which is a perfect recruiting ground for Steem, and in my Opinion this is the sort of Info that Ned wishes steem would propagate, valuable stuff people take time out of their day just to come look at without trying to make any money etc, and we WILl get this when we have our OWN Steemit version of Reddits Subreddits which we will VERY soon with Hivemind's Communities feature.

How nice would that be to see Steem go up to its All Time High independently of Bitcoin? :D Bringing on board tens of millions of new users overnight can do that sort of thing! I use Steem everyday and so do almost 100,000 other Steemians, and I KNOW that number of DAILY active users will go up to the tens of millions by this time next year and so I am 100% confident that the demand for steem will continue going up as there is no other way around it and there are too many large whales willing to purchase steem if it ever gets TOO cheap. They are our safety net, the @surfyogi 's and @fyrstikken s they make sure we never get TOO cheap ... So theres only really one direction to go and that is up! Steem is Scarec and you cannot make anymore than the set inflation rate and that's known and won't change but what WILL is the number orf USERS, that's set to go up VERY fast after HF20 by at least September, its almost done , appbase then communities and then HF20 and then HF21 and SMTs and the DEX so just hold on to your SP keep stackin and soon youll be callin me Stackza . Youll be so happy you stacked steem when it was $2-$3 as it is now, because when each steem is $100 -$200 like Litecoin for example, hah just imagine having as many Litecoin as you have steem! THAT is the secret to my happiness I ALWAYS imagine myself from the FUTURE and just IMAGINE if you had 1 bitcoin or 1 ethereum or even 1 Litecoin for every Steem token you hate, hah that should put a smile on your face now! Same thing with EOS!

(Great GIF by @web-gnar and I will commission him with new ideas to make more GIFs soon, I already sent him a bunch of new ideas lol )

Anyway thanks for reading and I must leave you all here, just think about Steemit Buying Wordpress and or Gab.ai and Voat, and Answers.com or Quora and telll me what you think about all of these possible companies Steemit inc may be able to purchasein the future when Steem goes back to its All Time High and @ned has some liquid Steem to play with :D I would love to see Steemit Inc make some acquisitions or partnerships like this, I just think its exactly what the Steem Ecosystem needs, to just use existing platforms and just absorb them like the Borg or like Bogdanoff Nanobots :D

(Another @web-gnar GIF which I had the idea to commission the Stem Pump part, and web-gnar added his own amazing touch, I will be finding ways to actually promote these a little wider over Instagram and Paid Promoted Posts which will just be Art, ill use ART to get around the Instagram ban on crypto by just promoting an Instagram post of the ART of web-gnar and if it happens to have some steem logos so be it, it is still just art :D

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