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“The world has changed” is a phrase that we hear almost every day either literally or as implied, and there seems to be no stopping as regarding the fast pace with which our world is transforming. In this our age, we have been termed the ‘fast food’ generation because we have a plethora of options at our finger tips and have very little strength of heart to remain faithful to an option.

It was not so long ago when social media apps 2go and Nimbuzz were the rave of the moment, I mean these were barely four years ago and they are almost obsolete if they are not so already.
It is an age of dreams, where school dropouts who ‘chased their dreams’ are amongst the richest men on the planet, an age where we are told constantly to “pursue our passions” so we can “fire our bosses”, even when the people who give these sort of advice forget to (rather deliberately) add that without an adequate soft landing plan in motion, the life of the individual who quits paid employment to chase his dreams would be characterised by the repeated occurrence of hardship.
The craze for independence from every form of accountability is what is being sold as ‘entrepreneurship’, and it is wrecking lives at every turn. When you say you are chasing a dream, what exactly is on your mind? What do you christen a dream? Do you have a clear cut definition when you say the word dream?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word dream as used in this context as

  1. An idea or vision that is created in your imagination that is not real (at least not yet)
  2. Something that you have very much wanted to do, be, or have for a long time”*_ and the one I love the most “A visionary creation of the imagination.”

We see from the above definitions that what many refer to as dreams are simply wishes, or at the very best desires to do be or have something, but the definition that best suits the phrase ‘chase your dreams’ is the third which calls a dream a visionary creation of the imagination, and this gives a sense of purpose to those wishes and desires because for something to be called visionary, it has to have direction with clear cut plan on how to achieve it.
The title of this write up says My Dream, My Life: telling you at first glance that for whatever dream you choose to call yours, its first point of impact is your life.

With that in mind go ahead and chase your dreams with a clear cut plan and direction, let there be attainable goals to guide the process, knowing that even though it is your dream and your life, the impact of your actions would spill over to affect the lives of everyone who comes in contact with your dream.

