Collection Of Beautiful Cute Caterpillars But Ludicrous


Collection Of Beautiful Cute Caterpillars But Ludicrous
rezapratama (39) in steemian • 17 days ago

Collection Of Beautiful Cute Caterpillars But Ludicrous
rezapratama (38) in steemian • 7 days ago

Good afternoon buddy steemians wherever you are. Hopefully his activity and given physical and spiritual health.
If in our house there are many trees, it has become a common thing if we encounter many different types of caterpillars like this. Actually the color of the fur is very interesting. But for some reason, for most people, let alone women, whose name is a caterpillar, is one of the most feared animals in the world.
I am personally, most disgusted and afraid to see a caterpillar like this. If for example once in a while there stray into the house, do not hold and throw it away, just look at it I was feeling tickled and disgusted. Especially when his feathers stood up, made me even more afraid.
Actually a natural thing if we are afraid of caterpillars like this. Because if touched, the fur can be sticky on our skin, and can cause prolonged itching, accompanied by changes in skin color that is red like blisters. And his ordinary itching will not disappear, even though we've been stuffing itchy powder.
Terrible is not it? So it is not wrong if caterpillars including one of the animals in fear.

Hopefully my post is useful steemians friend
Thank you for visiting my blog

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