SteemFest² Updates - New Names Announced - Spotlight: SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon announced - register now!

Another busy week. I managed to do a little kitesurf after my crazy coastal trip of 3 weeks ago. Wind was crazy stormy but nice to have a couple of hours away from it all and focus on one thing: Surviving the wind & water, while having fun doing so :) Back to that other thing now.... SteemFest!


View from LX Factory - SteemFest hackathon location

New names talking / performing at SteemFest² announced:

  • @voronoi (US): Curious urbanist. Co-Founder of Sndbox
  • @quinneaker (US): Visionary & Founder of the Garden Of Eden EcoVillage
  • @the-alien (BR): (Ghost)Writer, entrepreneur, world traveler, blockchain and open-source enthusiast
  • @timsaid (DE): Crypto Challenge, scientist, photographer and free runner

Week updates

Cut the location video tour I did last week, will publish it next week. Wrote a press release in draft, discussed with Ned and some others. Shared with some outlets, will push more next week. Prepaid venues partly in order to reserve them. Also I got pretty hyped up by this idea coined by @originate to see about interest to do a 'SteemRally' - Gumball 3000 inspired roadtrippin through Portugal.

Had an IRL meetup with @peerplays about the sponsoring for the SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon, and they are going to! Also Decent and Bitshares are joining us for the hackathon (and Steemit obviously :D) Worked on the dedicated site for the hackathon and published it (read below about that).

24h session - 1 November - Cowork Lisboa @ LXFactory

Developer, designer, creator, hacker? Come 1 day early to Lisbon for developer pre-drinks and kick off the conference with the SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon. On Wednesday 1 November 9AM sharp the SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon kicks off in Cowork Lisboa at LXFactory Lisboa.

As launching event of the SteemFest Conference we challenge you to make a proof of concept, working(!) app on (any) blockchain. Be smart and check out the prize-sponsoring blockchains (Steem, Bitshares and Decent) and tune your apps for those chains and get a change to win those crypto monetary prizes!

SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon Schedule:

Wednesday 1 November - 24 Hour Hackathon
CoWork Lisboa @ Lx Factory, Lisbon - see full schedule here.

Friday 3 November - Hackathon App Pitches
SteemFest Conference Day 2 venue: Montes Claros - Lisbon Secret Spot

Participation to the hackathon is free of charge and includes 24h food & beverage as well as drinks & afterparty on Friday 3 November.

Click here to register for the SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon

Please note: a (free) hackathon ticket is NOT a valid entry for the full 5-day SteemFest conference.

The SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon is made possible with the support & partnership of:

More names and location updates to be announced :)

Please... Don't forget to book a room in HF Hotels starting at € 82 / room / night including breakfast. Book directly through the HF hotels or

1.★★★HF Musicbrand new with a swimming pool on top
2.★★★HF Gardenbuild in 2008 with several awards and a city garden
3.★★★★HF Lisboacosmopolitan 4 star hotel with city garden and spacious lobby - this will be the SteemFest homebase
4.★★★★HF Urbanspacious rooms (at 500 meter walk from the above 3 hotels)

Wishing you a great HOLDR weekend,
Greetings from Amsterdam,


Liquid rewards from this post will go to organising @steemfest
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