Introducing Multi.Tube

Welcome to the new video aggregation site!

I have been working on this for a few weeks, and have now made it available as an alpha website, and will be open sourcing it as soon as I have managed to tidy the code a bit.

Our server analyses posts to the Steem blockchain and if we find embedded video content from DTube, YouTube or DLive, these posts and associated videos are added to our database. They can then be viewed in a similar interface to DTube or YouTube, and can be easily searched and filtered.

This is nowhere near finished. There are a lot of things planned for this site, including allowing full Steemconnect integration, so you can sign-in and easily curate and comment on the content, but for now it is just an index really, and not perfect at that.

It currently has around 5 days of (most recent) content, and this will vary during the alpha stages especially if I need to change the database structure. Ultimately, I plan to add the last 6 months (or more) of blockchain content.

Please follow for more information about the progress, and any votes would be gratefully received to fund development. If there are ideas/features/changes you would like to see, the sooner I hear about them, the easier they might be to add. Likewise, if you find bugs, letting me know what they are, your device/operating system, and ideally a screenshot, would be very helpful so I can fix them.

The site is fairly self-explanatory if you know DTube or YouTube, but I will make a guide to using it as it develops too.

Andy Betsworth (@andybets)

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