dsteem vs. steem-js — Round 1

@good-karma suggested that I should setup a performance test of dsteem and compare it to the official steem-js library and I was happy to oblige. The results really surprised me however, I expected dsteem to maybe be a little bit faster but the results show that dsteem is ~90 times faster than steem-js!


I setup the test to cover the most common and compute intensive operation I could think of (deserializing a private key and using that to sign a transaction). You can check how it's setup and run it for yourself here: https://jsperf.com/dsteem-vs-steem-js/1

Update: In node.js dsteem pulls ahead with another order of magnitude, more than 1000 times faster! Probably because many of the crypto functions I'm using have native bindings when running in node.

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