God will always guide us


Psalm 32:8

" I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye."

Divine guidance is one of the most important thing we must acknowledge that God wants for us as His children. Psalm 32:8 speaks on God's promise and commitment to us in the way we should follow. One of the things we must as Christians is doubting God's willingness to guide them. David recognizes God as our Shepherd in Psalm 23 because one of the job of the shepherd is to guide.

To receive divine guidance from God, we must acknowledge that His is our saviour and only guide to eternal glory. With God, we do not wander around like sheeps without Shepherd. God has given us the Holyspirit to guide us in all truth of God's will and plan for us. We do not have to grope in the dark as we are child of light. We are meant to walk in the light of God's word and everything He has prepared for us. We must be cautious and not doubt God's willingness to instruct,teach and guide us in the way we should go. God is
more willing to help us into His perfect plan if only we are willing to be led by Him.


The Bible is filled with promises of God's willingness and ability to guide us. In Psalm 28:18,

" for thou will light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness".

Light stands for direction while advancement and education means the Lord will guide us. It is the will of God that we should be guided on the right path. One of the reasons God will guide us is because He loves us and he wants us to reign with Him in heaven. We should never doubt God's ability to guide us into His eternal glory that he mapped out for us.

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