Hope for the physically challenged. The Bible's Viewpoint.


Its really sad to see people with disabilities and physical challenges on the streets, begging for aid.But what's more touching is when these persons are born that way. They made no mistake, they made no wrong choice, but yet they were born disabled.

Physical challenges such as blindness, deafness, lameness , and a host of other disabilities can be of great discomfort to the victim. More so it leads to shame, embarrassment amd low self-esteem on the part of the disabled victim.

But the question is, does the Bible say anything about the disabled? If yes, then what is the future for the disabled and the physically challenged?

When Jesus was on earth, he demonstrated his power over disabilities and physical challenges by healing the infirm whenever he came in contact with them. For example at Matthew 11:5, see what the Bible says;

The blind are now seeing and the lame are walking, the lepers are being cleansed and the deaf are hearing, the dead are being raised up and the poor are being told the good news.

Yes Jesus informed his listeners of the miracles that he has performed through the power of God. Among them were the healing of the disabled.

Also at Matthew 15:30 and 31, the Bible says;

30 Then large crowds approached him, bringing along people who were lame, maimed, blind, speechless, and many others, and they laid them at his feet, and he cured them. 31 So the crowd felt amazement as they saw the speechless speaking and the maimed being made sound and the lame walking and the blind seeing, and they glorified the God of Israel.

In this scripture, people with disabilities were brought to Jesus Christ and he healed them. In verse 31, the Bible says that this got the people amazed. Imagine how they must have felt seeing their loved ones who had been suffering from a disability, become whole again. Imagine how the disabled persons must have felt, to be relieved from their suffering and be able to use all parts of their bodies. It truly must have been a wonderful sight, no wonder it caused the people to be amazed.

Jesus proved that he had power over any disability of any sort. So yes there is hope for the disabled. If you are disabled and you are reading this, or if you have a friend or relative struggling with any disability, then the following scriptures should be of great encouragement to you.
Please read Isaiah 35:6;

At that time the lame will leap like the deer, And the tongue of the speechless will shout for joy. For waters will burst forth in the wilderness, And streams in the desert plain.

Very shortly, there will be no need for wheel chairs. There will be no need for sign language. God has promised a worldwide healing for the disabled.

Also Isaiah 35:5;

At that time the eyes of the blind will be opened, And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped.

So for those of you totally blind or those using specs as a result of one eye defect or the other, well very soon you won't need them, God will give u perfect eye sight. And for those who are hearing impaired, the Bible says you will have perfect hearing soon.

Yes the Bible has shown that there is hope for ALL the disabled. God's word always come true, and I have strong faith, that this is not going to be an exception! Do you?

Special thanks to the @steemchurch for this wonderful platform to share hope from the Bible.

Cited scriptures are from The New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures.

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