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Welcome to the SteemChurch International Ministry blog.

In our previous messages we reveal our organizational structure and our vision to leave a legacy in the world, within this vision is our social projection: Plan Blessed Families, will be in the module "MANAGEMENT PROJECTS AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT" is one of the most important addresses Within our organization, under this premise we will work in our community.

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The family may be composed of several members and not all consanguineous; therefore, several types can be identified: "The family is one of the pillars of society", can be read on the UN website, in its section on World Themes. For others, the family is a group of people who live together, but the family is really a functional home where love, tolerance and respect predominate, if we want healthy people we must build community.

These are the different types of family:

Nuclear Family: formed by the mother, father and children, is the typical classical family.
Extended Family: formed by relatives whose relationships are not only between parents and children. An extended family can include grandparents, uncles, cousins and other consanguineous or related.
Single-parent family: formed by only one of the parents (most often the mother) and their children. It can have different origins: separated or divorced parents where the children are living with one of the parents, for an early pregnancy where the family of a single mother is constituted and finally the death of one of the spouses.
Family Assembled: it is formed by aggregates of two or more families (example: single mother with children is reunited with father widower with children).


Whatever the type of family, social responsibility as Christians is fotalecer those family ties in each home represented, in each of our communities prototypes vary, we must emphasize education with Christian values and teach children from their age early to lead a stable emotional life, so that they are men and women with strong families with principles and ethical values.

God wants us to live in a family, Jesus created in a family, but he wishes blessed families where love is the fundamental pillar, the family, patrimony and common good of humanity.
"Peace in the world begins with peace in families" and proposes, as the biggest challenge of families, "to replace the struggles of power in the family for collaboration from respect and trust." And it is that "our children do not need them to teach them to obey, they need to feel that they are taken into account to contribute to the family, to teach them to collaborate to grow together. It is necessary to sow the seeds of trust in the family, mutual respect and belonging and thus guide them to make good decisions.

When the parents are good, the children are good. By being in the place of parents, "it is crucial to reorganize our emotional world. We must avoid projecting all our unresolved emotions of our past in our children. " Because you must keep in mind that "when parents are good, the children are fine. That's why we have to take care of our own emotional, emotional, personal, and nutrient world. "

Eva Bach

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Each and every one of us as Christians is prepared to restore families, including adults who have been injured since childhood, if we want to transform something, we must start by restoring the children of our community and country, we do not need to be a great graduate in social work, or have extra titles, there is nothing that can resist the love and service to the neighbor.

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The temples of the churches should be open to work hand in hand with the organized community, and make a personalized work with children at social risk, with dysfunctional families, children in street situation and through them reach the representatives, parents or mothers take responsibility for their lives.


In Venezuela, the highest adolescent pregnancy rate among the countries of South America is registered, with 101 births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19 years, a figure obtained by the 2012 global diagnosis carried out by the Population Fund of the Nations. United (Unfpa).

Among the main causes of teen pregnancy include:
• Domestic violence causes consensual unions of adolescent couples even before pregnancy.
• Adolescent pregnancy is recognized and valued in families as part of the realization of being a woman.
• Despite the extensive knowledge of adolescents of different contraceptive methods, there are myths and false beliefs about their use, limiting responsible decision-making in the exercise of their sexuality.
• Unclear goals in adolescents about their life project.
• Little inter-institutional coordination.

If we realize to prevent this type of situations, responsible fatherhood is necessary, that is, to offer values, principles and a life of respect for their sexuality.


The children who are forming must have guides, people who take them to achieve life purpose, give them hope, a better future, only the love of Jesus and the spirit of service can save the world, education is key, attention also.

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The family social policy consists in the promotion of Family Welfare, from this perspective we understand that the role of the church is to strengthen the role of the family in the fulfillment of all its functions.
It means adults responsible for the integral development of children, so that they can play, grow and enjoy all the rights they have. Possibility for young people to develop a life project. It also means integrating people with different abilities and older adults, giving them back the recognition they deserve.


Strengthen the family as an environment for the generation of values, preservation of cultural identity and protection of rights through prevention, assistance, accompaniment and promotion actions that allow the performance of their social function through the love of Jesus.

Structure of the Plan

I. Family and Social Promotion
Social promotion of the Family.

II. Attention to Families in Special Situations
Attention to families in situations of vulnerability.
Prevention actions to improve the quality of life.
III. Institutional Strengthening and Promotion of Networks
Strengthening community institutions for the integral development of the family.
Cooperative coordination between the different levels.
Articulation between organizations and organizations
of civil society in order to improve the impact and effectiveness of the actions that
developed within the framework of the Families Plan.
IV. Institutional Modality
Comprehensive Family Centers (cells in houses, churches)

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What can we do?

We have our social program BREAD FROM HEAVEN:children's dining rooms

The GREEN FOOTPRINT social campaign:recycling program and home gardens.

Education Program in Blockchain technology.

Parental Support Programs:

Is a family skills training program that has been shown to reduce risk behaviors, delinquency, alcohol and drug abuse in children, improve their social skills and performance in school. Child abuse is also reduced as parents strengthen ties with their children and learn better parenting skills.

Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program.

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"Zero tolerance against bullying" program.

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There are many things we can do for our neighbors, community and our country, we can also serve as communication channels for other entities in our area experts on legal issues among others.

There can not be a Christian life but in a community: in families, parishes, communities of consecrated life, base communities, other small communities and movements. As the first Christians, who met in community, the disciple participates in the life of the Church and in the encounter with the brothers, living the love of Christ in the fraternal life of solidarity. It is also accompanied and stimulated by the community and its guides to mature in the life of the Spirit.

"If you want to see a better world start with your home, your community, and bless your fellow human beings, there is always something we can do, this is the social projection of Steemchurch international ministry for the next days, months and years, you are a member of this Church can begin to elaborate its social program to bless lives."

Enjoy this beautiful song, and reflect on what we are doing for a better world.

Heal the world!

The Lord affirms the steps of man when he likes his way of life. By Jehovah the footsteps of man are ordained, and he approves of his way. Psalm 37:23 | NVI

We thank all those people who have contributed to our community to grow @pennsif, @luppers, @redes, @hanshotfirst, @theycallmedan, @redpalestino, @wilx.

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SteemChurch Telos Expansion: your NEW SteemChurch Telos account

The SteemChurch Telos expansion is about establishing ourselves on a new platform capable of facilitating trade, banking, commerce and logistics - opening up many more opportunities than social media and blogs.

Telos is one of the most advanced blockchains on the planet. Incredibly fast and highly scalable. Built from the same blockchain architecture as EOS, Telos can do everything EOS can do. At the moment, however, Telos is relatively unknown and resources are cheap. Which means that we are establishing here at an ideal time.

For the first access to your account we recommend that you download SQRL to your PC.

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