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Divine revelation

World renowned theologians like B.B. Warfield also believed that the notion of biblical inspiration is best described by phrases like "concursive operation” and “confluent authorship”63- that is, Scripture is not only a human witness and medium of divine revelation but also a divinely inspired witness and medium. To Warfield, the human activity involving all the research and data collection and compiling–the logical
reasoning, was mysteriously intertwined with the divine operation of the holy Spirit’s superintendence, direction, and control. The writers were mot simply assisted and illumined by the Holy Spirit, but rather guided by the Spirit so that what they wrote was actually sanctioned by God himself.
In other words, as a divine-human product, Scripture is “God-breathed” (II Timothy 3:16), - that is, produced by the creative breath of the Almighty God, not in its thought only but also in its words, and not in part but in full. imageimage source
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