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Hello blessings, Welcome to my blog.

Taking the thought of Socrates one of the most influential Greek thinkers in history, I want to start this reflection about identity.
Socrates said: "knowing yourself is the fundamental principle of true human wisdom"

In a certain sense I agree with this thinker, because at last it is only "human wisdom". no wisdom given by God. This is the theory of many "intelligent" people who do not have Jesus in their hearts.

I want to emphasize that this saying of Socrates is a council, a saying that comes from philosophy, from Greek antiquity. This thought has been transcended in history and has increasingly acquired a psychological sense.
It is also important to clarify that a person who, in the Greek sense, knows himself is someone capable of governing himself, and does not allow anyone to be subject. Well, mostly they are people who ignore the existence of God and who they truly are.

However, the Bible teaches us who we are (Isaiah 43: 1)
"Now thus saith the Lord, O Creator of thee, O Jacob, and it is thy formator, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you: I have given you a name, you are mine."
It is in Him that our identity begins, casting aside this theory of this Greek thinker. And in Him is our true destiny and purpose.
Our identity is not in "oneself", therefore, we have a creator who gives us the greatest and free identity.

¡God gave us a name!.

¡We are a divine creation!

The identity that we speak is an identity that has to do with God and not with "oneself". God knows our name, He knows everything about us. (2 Timothy 2:19)
19 But the foundation of God is firm, having this seal: The Lord knows those who are his.
In addition to placing our name, God also knows who is his.

What is true wisdom?
Socrates, like many contemporary thinkers, thinks that "human wisdom" is "knowing oneself". But we find in the book of the Apostle James 3: 13-18 the following:

The wisdom from on high


13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Show by good conduct your works in wise meekness.
14 But if you have bitter jealousy and contention in your heart, do not boast or lie against the truth;
15 for this wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, animal, devilish.
16 For where there is jealousy and contention, there is trouble and every evil work.
17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, kind, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or hypocrisy.
18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace.

These verses show us that the argumentation of human wisdom is vain and without foundation, because whoever has wisdom takes God as his creator and author of his life, practicing the wisdom that comes from above, which bases a true identity in the person, practicing the principles established in the verses cited.

¡We are divine creation!


Beloved church We are divine creation, made by a wonderful creator the "God of love".
We are all his creation, made in his image and likeness.
To have the image or likeness of God means, that we were made to resemble God, and that He appointed us to have fellowship and identity in Him, coupled with a mental, moral and social similarity because God is spirit.

Then "knowing yourself" is not the principle of wisdom, because God has allowed us to choose a personal, social and moral identity that allows us to access God's knowledge to understand our position as humans in this land we inhabit and socialize .

I want to conclude by saying that the most extensive wounds that we can find today in society in adolescents, young people, adults and the elderly, we can look at the heart of them originated by a lack of identity.

Remember that the identity that the world offers us is not necessarily the identity that God has given us as his creation.
When children are secularly injured by the lack of attention and guidance of parents or vice versa suffer pain and injury that are difficult to heal, it also happens when we do not know who we are and what we were created for. When we are far from Him we feel insecure, helpless, anything absurd can be felt that fills that lack of identity that is becoming more acute every day. However, nothing and no one can fill it, nothing and no one can bring that attitude we need as creatures of God, because in the depths of our hearts there is something that screams that we have lost our way and the true reason for which we were created .

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