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Dangers of Bad Influence/Peer Pressure!!

What is peer pressure?
it affects both old and young alike,but most likely young people
it is pressure put on someone by his peers,a person of the same age group,status or abilities

There are two types of peer pressure;

  • The positive: pressure to do good things, right
    When you are friends with the smartest girl in school, there is a tendency for your grades to improve!
    Or when you join bible study class,your become alot more knowledgeable about God.

  • The negative: pressure to bad things, wrong things eg
    a boy at school want to be accepted by the “cool” group and they smoke ciggerettes, he will have to smoke to be part of them and to look 'cool'

There is a saying that goes"show me your friends and I will tell you who you are"
Although this quote is not a 100% accurate because there are situations were two totally different people in character and way of life become friends, and the good one refuse to be influenced negatively (which takes a lot of will by the way) but rather his good character start rubbing off on the other person.


Why do people give into peer pressure?

  • They want to fit in
  • They are worried that others make fun of them if not go along with group
  • some join out of curiousity, because “everyone is doing it” so why not!
  • personal gain to get a job, promotion,girlfriend or boy friend
  • popularity
  • To have friends, loneliness, etc

Peter gave into peer pressure so he would fit in with distinguished Jews
Gal 2:11-12
11 When Peter came to Antioch, I told him to his face that I was against what he was doing. He was clearly wrong.
12 He used to eat with the Gentiles. But certain men came from a group sent by James. When they arrived, Peter began to draw back. He separated himself from the Gentiles. That’s because he was afraid of the circumcision group sent by James.

  • Some adults drink at the office and go to bars with the boss and co-workers alike to get a raise, get a promotion etc
  • Some kids drink and do drugs so other kids like them, fit into group, not made fun of etc.


What does the Bible say about peer pressure?
Peer pressure is a form of temptation, Scriptures on temptation are applicable to peer pressure
“A study of sexually active college students shows that 75% of both men and women had unwanted intercourse due to either

  • Peer pressure
  • coercion
  • intimidation
    all led the students into situations they later regretted.

“Alcohol and drug abuse is the number one health problem among alot on teenagers.Especially students in colleges and universities, these effect their academic and sometimes causes a student who is hooked to dropout.

Stay tuned for my next article on how to prevent people from influencing you negatively!!