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How To Make a Right Decision

As children of God, we get some difficulties when making the right decisions sometimes in our daily life. We all know that this is not an easy task anyway, but there's a tool to help you make right decisions from a biblical perspective. These are things you should ask yourself when going through the situation of making the right decision.

  • What do my top spiritual advisors tell me about this?

The kind of people we relate to and surrounds yourself with also determine the kind of decisions we make most times. you have to be careful with the kind of people you choose as your friends because basically, you are a composite of the five people you spend the most time with? so choose wisely.
The bible teaches us in:
Proverbs 11:14

Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.
if you think you've got no good people around you, and you still don't know what to do, I would suggest you get involve in the church and also increase your involvement if you're already involved and create small groups and ministry in order to establish those godly relationships. You can seek more counselling from your spiritual advisers.
  • Am I willing to let God close this door?

As a Christian, never should you place your desire above God’s plan. Be submissive and ready to give up anything that you feel God does not want in your life no matter how important it may be to you.
One important element you have to know is for you to be submissive to God's supreme plan.
#Acts 16 shows us a good example of Apostle Paul's life throughout his journey.

  • How will this affect my family? Will this draw us closer to God or further from God?

One thing you must know is the importance of your family. The family makes up the church.
Now has your decision cause a stumbling block for your family? Before making any decision, you are not to consider your spiritual life only, but also consider the effects it will impose on the spiritual state of your family.

  • will this take them away from godly people or godly friends?
  • Will this help your family to grow in Christ?
  • Will this in anyway way divide your family?
  • Will it interferes with that spiritual growth?
    1 Corinthians 8:9
Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak,
Be careful not to make a decision that would cause you and your family to pay a big prize.
  • How will this affect me spiritually?

The peak of life journey is not just getting a big car, companies, houses, earning a bigger paycheck and others, but there's more to life than that. Considering the effect of any decision on your spiritual life.

  • Will this decision interfere with your ability to attend church?
  • Will this decision make you feel you're bigger than your fellow church members?
  • Will this decision draw you nearer to God or further from him?

1 Corinthians 10:23

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

Whenever you're having a tough decision making, I'd encourage you go over these questions before making that decision a reality. This can also serve as a reference point to others, maybe your friends or family members too.