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A warm greeting Dear friends and brothers
Welcome to my blog
God bless you!

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Luke 11: 9

Often the following verse has comforted me: "You will call upon me ... and I will hear you; and you will look for me and find me. " But the continuation also challenges me: "because you will seek me with all your heart"

Jeremiah 29: 12-13
Then you will invoke me, and come to beg me, and I will listen to you. They will seek me and will find me when they seek me with all my heart.

It may happen that we pray, that we speak words, but our heart is not really committed. One day God made this reproach to his people: "This people approaches me with their mouth ... but their heart is far from me"

The true prayer comes from the heart. In difficult times, the Lord teaches us to pray from the depths of our hearts. The Bible shows us numerous examples of believers who, in the midst of the test, cried out to God and he heard them. That sincere cry that rises to God is the true prayer of the heart.

You have to pray with your heart, but also with a good conscience. "The prayer of the upright is their joy" (Proverbs 15: 8). The Lord gives us this good conscience by forgiving our faults. But we must take care of it as a treasure, and for that we must follow good and reject evil. If we have distanced ourselves from the Lord, let us return to him without delay, confessing to him that which produced that distancing. Then we will experience that joyful trust in God, who responds to our prayers.

Let us learn to pray with perseverance and with an awareness illuminated by the divine light, aware of our true needs. Even if our requests are imperfect, God will answer us according to his wisdom, for the good of our soul, because he loves us.