STEEMCHURCH: Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult; rather, bless, because for this they were called, to inherit a blessing

The blessing of God, all powerful creator of heaven and earth, is upon all of you: @steemchurch @sc-v @sirknight.


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with his spirit.

Philemon 1:25

A few days ago I experienced a difficult experience, that morning began with a Good morning, and a deep thanks to God for allowing my family and my loved ones to breathe and enjoy their love.

My mother-in-law, a woman full of victories and a warrior of God, invited me to the cemetery to plant a sunflower seed in her son's grave.


We left happy and took with us the instruments we would use; shovel, water, tobo, and fertilizer, plus sunflower seeds.

When we arrived at the cemetery, we should walk a little to get to the grave, while we were talking. Some people who were going to see the graves of their relatives, greeted us. We responded with: Good morning, God bless you and keep you, and they responded: Amen.


In that, we continued walking and we were talking about some things that we should buy in the market to make lunch, since we would spend a day with the family.

In that sense, a lady stumbled upon my mother-in-law, my mother-in-law told her; Good morning, my lady, God keep you. And she raised her face, smoked a tobacco, and began to curse and say a little rudeness about God.


But to you who listen to me I say: Amen to your enemies, let us do good to those who hate them, bless those who curse them, pray for those who mistreat them.

Luke 6: 27-28 |

Apparently, that hateful one is always in the cemetery doing witchcraft, ties, bad things, he hides in the dark and looks for the land of the dead to do jobs. Then, a camp guard who saw what happened said that that lady goes every day to the cemetery to smoke, invoke the devil and make pacts and witchcraft.

People do not know the power of God, as you curse, I bless you because my God has power. And light my way.



His master replied: "You did well, good and faithful servant! In the little you have been faithful; I will put you in charge of much more. Come share the happiness of your lord! "

Matthew 25:21

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