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Break The Silence

Why is it, that in a world that needs salvation the silence of Christians is often different?

How many times have we as Christians hidden the very gospel that saved us?

And as Christians, we see the need for Christ in those around us, yet often we remain silent convinced by the lies that have bound us...52641196_308883169676771_2830843366046957568_n.jpg

Secretary:"I can see that there're a lot of people who need Jesus in my workplace, but I just don't know how to talk to them.Maybe I'm not called to them".

Teenager:"My friends, we don't talk about that type of thing, besides I'm selling you Christian myself, I'm not equipped".

Son of a dying mother:"I know she doesn't have long, it's just, she was never been very open.Of course I care about her eternity, that's why I need somebody who knows what he's doing, someone who's more qualified than me".

The time has come for the lies to be exposed by the truth that you are called to be salt and light, to be unashamed of the gospel, to be ambassadors of a cross and whether you've been saved for a lifetime or a day,52024123_345772272694012_809954957133348864_n.jpg

You are equipped by the word of my testimony in it's God that has qualified you for the Ministry of reconciliation (with God) and not because of what you can do, but because of what Christ has done.

YOU are called!
YOU are eqipped!
YOU are qualified!

It's time to break the silence...