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I Am Sorry

The phrase, "I am sorry" is a common phrase. It is however difficult for many people to utter this phrase when it is to be said. This is even more true, when a superior is the one expected to say "I am sorry". More so when the subordinate cannot do anything if it is not said.

Those who are emotional, intelligent and savvy know the importance of saying, "I am sorry". This phrase carries a lot of weight in our relationship with God and fellow humans, if it really comes from our hearts. We all do offend God at one time or the other, let's look at David as a case study.
David said, "I am sorry" to God in the matter of Bethsheba and the unauthorized military census he took. The "I am sorry" of David from the heart meant firstly that he took responsibilities for his actions unlike Adam who gave an excuse; *"the woman you gave me" and Eve blamed the devil.

Secondly, David's "I am sorry" showed humility. Thus, the barrier to restoration of relationship between God and David was removed. Saying "sorry" is critical to sustaining good relationships.

Many relationships have gone sour because someone refused to say, "I am sorry". Nations have gone to war with each other because ego take over the place of "I am sorry". Great friendships have gone South because, because one party failed to say, "I am sorry", when it was extremely needful to save the relationship. I wish that people realize how important, life-saving and powerful this phrase is, and begin to apply it always when needful.

I wish that it will not be difficult for you to say, "I am sorry" when the need arises and sometimes even when there's no need or even when the other party was actually at fault. There's no need to create unnecessary enemies or permanent ones because we failed to employ this phrase and let our ego win. Always say, "I am sorry" when you err, it will never make you any less of a human. It is not a sign of weakness as most people wrongly perceive, it is strength and a reflection of maturity.

Happy Sunday and do have a blessed week.