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Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 111: 105)


One of the blessing of modern technology is Navigator (Navi). It makes driving very simple and easier, especially when you drive to unknown and unfamiliar places. For me, it's so handy when I have to move my way through German or sent to do some business for my company in unknown places.
David also recognized similar heavenly Navi, that enabled him navigate himself through unknown and unfamiliar places of life.
David's Navi was the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, which we called today the Bible.
For David, the Scriptures were a lamp to his feet, and a light for his path. What does he mean by that?
First, light is synonymous with uncheageable truth, or illumination. Light makes things to be seen clearly, to grow and flourish, to beam with life and colours. Light though powerful, actually must have a source, what gives the light. And in Davd's day, it was a lamp. The opposite of light is darkness. In darkness things are not seen as they truly are, so mankind have improvised a means to help them do away with darkness, such as a lamp or light bulb, etc.
We must understand that what we walk with is our feet, and what we walk on is the path. But there must be a light shed on the path we walk on so that we don't stumble and fall or we don't miss our destination. Actually we have feet, but not the light and the path. We choose the path we walk on and the light we walk by. Experience in life teaches us that not all path are good and not all light guide us to the desire end. Some path and light seem to be good for now but bring disaster, destruction and disappointment in the end. And this calls for caution and wisdom.


My question to you is: What path are your feet walking on? What path have you chosen to live your life on? And what light is guiding and illuminating your life's path? And do you know where that path leads to? And where that light is navigating or guiding you to?
Note that scripture declares that, There is a way (here, paths and lights) that seem good to a man but in the end leads to death. So know that not all paths bring us to our expected end and not all light guide us to our desired end
The Psalmist therefore counsels us that Scriptures of the Bible are a source of true light, because forever, the Word of God is settled in Heaven and it will be settled on earth very soon. I therefore counsel you to choose obedience to the Word of God for it to shed its light on your life, for it to beam with life, faith, hope, goodness, righteousness and salvation in Jesus name. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes
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@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @sc-g

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