Come Join The First Church on Steem Blockchain - SteemChurch

I have been contributing to SteemChurch for close to six months now and it's been great. The church is made up of Steemians from Austrialia, Ghana, Nigeria, Philippines, South Africa and Venezuela. Since it started mid December 2017, I've been a participant. It's one of the fastest growing communities on Steemit. I'm going to be writing on why you (as a Steemit user) should consider joining the Church.

A beautiful logo design by @druids for SteemChurch.

It's just like a normal church, it has quite a number of participants (often called parishioners). These participants contribute to SteemChurch in so many ways. In the church you can find creative writers, musicians, graphics designers, dancers, and even pastors. When you go through posts resteemed by @SteemChurch, you will definitely see some inspirational posts, posts that will help you draw closer to God and conversational posts to help you think outside the box. Reading through these posts is beneficial, and it brings the knowledge of the Bible close to you - on your smartphone or laptop.

The leadership is an outstanding one. It was started by the Knight of the Blockchain, @Sirknight. When a leader is great, you expect nothing less from his project. If you have interacted with him, you will understand why he is loved by many. Also, just like every other top Steemit communities, SteemChurch strives to be an organised community. There are about eight apostles that assist the able Knight in managing this community. I happen to be one of this eight :D. There's also a SteemChurch witness, who is a Steemit witness.

Here is a list of SteemChurch apostles,
@tremendospercy - The Valiant!
@gniksivart - The Just!
@tikhub - The Insightful!
@abiye - The Humble!
@prime-cleric - The Spiritual!
@jaff8 - The Pure!
@owoblow-steemit - The Righteous!
@darlenys01 - The Bold!

Also, SteemChurch has a witness - The person of @jackmiller.

Fun fact As at the time of writing this post, there are about 3,708 posts, 10,272 comments on the SteemChurch tag. With about $67,228.966 distributed in rewards.

Last but not the least, SteemChurch rewards you for your awesome posts on the tag and comments you make on them. Yeah, you read that right. The church helps in both spiritual and finacial liberation. This has assisted a number of parishioners in organising Steemit meet ups and charity events. The rewards is usually by means of upvotes on posts and interactions. Previously, SteemChurch use to have angels that gives these rewards. The angels really tried in sharing this blessings with the parishioners. But since Sniff and Scurry came over, the work of the angels have been reduced, they've simplified the reward process. The mices always play around to say hello to parishioners (A big shout out to @sniffnscurry BTW).

Sniff and Scurry when they find their cheese.

Sniff and Scurry came over to SteemChurch few weeks ago and they've encouraged a number of parishioners to find their own cheese too. Have you found your cheese?

These are some reasons you should try to come around SteemChurch, the atmosphere over here is always welcoming. One congregation, many parishioners from many different countries.

Thanks for coming around :)


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