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Good evening my fellow parishioners @steemchurch. I bring to you goodnews about the wonders of our Lord Jesus Christ who by His love died on the cross to make us free and free indeed. There is nothing hidden in the presence of God,He never forgets any of His children that is why He is ever available to those who call on His name.


Why are you in doubt? The Bible says in Luke 1:37, "For with God nothing shall be impossible". There are some situations in life that you think He will or He is not answering. Yes,He does answers infact He is happy to help you in times of trouble if only you believe and not doubt His powerful actions in your life.

There are some people who has lost opportunities all because of their ignorance and probably have come to their senses,if they should still be remorseful to come to God for turn around without doubting what He will do,they can still be favoured. Let's take for instance,a woman who has abort many pregnancy maybe when she was in the world and later come for repentance and ask God to forgive her,God may have forgiven her but because of her doubtful mind whether God would still give her the fruit of the womb again,she may not receive it because she would not believe God can do it.

Irrespective of the situations around you that has made you hopeless, that you think you can't come out of it,why not believe in God and get away from all doubtful mind and focus on Him alone. The Bible says "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith"( Hebrews 12:2 ).

A case of the woman with an issue of blood for twelve (12) years, probably had lost hope on herself, people had left her alone to nurse her problem, but when she heard of Jesus, because of her faith and undoubtful mind,she said something in Matthew 9:21,
"For she said within herself,if I may but touch his garment,I shall be made whole"

The woman had known that her problem will be solved when she saw Jesus,she believed in the Son of God who has come to heal and deliver all from troubles, then because of her faith,she touched his garment and immediately she was made whole. Hear what Jesus told her when He perceived that something touched Him in verse 22, "But Jesus turned him about,and when he saw her,he said, Daughter,be of good comfort;thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour"


Many of us, it is faith we need to put into action and clear all doubt in us. Without faith,it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Lack of faith gives room for doubt in our heart and wouldn't allow God perfect His work in us. When God sees you doubting you,He will be sad to help you because He sees you as someone who doesn't believe can heal you or help you out from that challenges you are passing through. If you have been doubting in your heart whether God can still forgive you because of the heavy sin in you,clear it away and ask for forgiveness if truly you want to be forgiven,then that is when you can give Him chance to enter your life and transform you.

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