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Personally I believe that none of those who know Christ wants his family to be lost in this world and be condemned to eternal hell. On the contrary we want that each member of our family has an approach with God.


Perhaps today you find yourself praying for your parents, children or spouse, grandparents, grandchildren, etc. and you feel that your cry is not heard by God. Maybe you have prayed for many years and maybe you do not see the answer. Today I want you to know that God has his own time, he knows when to act and how to do it, his time is perfect, just have faith, advance and keep praying and above all believe in his word.

God knows the circumstance of your family, knows how many times you have claimed for them and counted the tears that you have shed. No doubt God is aware of the longings in your heart and the effort you make to bring him closer to him. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry. Psalm 34:15

Do not be discouraged and continue to pray with more strength, knowing that one day our Lord Jesus Christ will change the lives of your loved ones and save them. The only thing you must do when you pray is to believe and have faith that it will be so. And this is the confidence we have in him, that if we ask something according to his will, he hears us.

Genesis 7: 1 says: When everything was ready, the Lord said to Noah: Get in the boat with all your family, because I can see that, among all the people of the earth, only you are righteous.


Even if they criticize you, keep trying, even when they judge you do not give up, even if they want to oppose what you do, show them your passion for God. Keep giving good testimony, keep quiet when they criticize you or reproach you, let God defend you, avoid fighting, show that Christ has changed your life, that you are not the same person. Do not get tired of being good, although when everything you do has no value for them, believe me that for God it is.
Keep praying for your family, keep on interceding for them, because there is a promise from God to your house and soon that promise must be fulfilled.