Our Powerful Minds


The mind

There is great power in our minds. Every thing we do, be it the words we speak, the actions we take, the decisions we take, are all first formulated in our mind. The mind is where everything is processed. Our minds can make or break us. Everyone has a great mind, but achievers put their great mind to great use. There was an article I read sometime ago which stated;

"watch your thoughts, they become words.
watch your words, they become actions.
watch your actions, they become habit.
watch your habits, they become character.
watch your character, it becomes you".


We have no control over the things that enters our minds as thoughts, but we have control over what we choose to think about. Before we accepted the faith, we heard the gospel, thought of it and saw reasons to make us choose to believe in Jesus as our savior. First we thought of it in our minds, then we accepted in our hearts. Our faith first started from our mind. So also the way we put our mind to use now as the children of God should differ from when we were unbelievers.


How to put our mind to good use

Putting our minds to good use simply means thinking about productive things that would yield good results. To put our mind to good use, we must first fill our thoughts with good and helpful things. Our thoughts should continuously be of good and helpful things. As students, our thoughts should always be of studying and getting good grades. As believers, the word of God should constantly occupy our thoughts. When our thoughts are constantly in line with good things, it becomes what we are likely to practice.

Philippians 4:8 NIV
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things".


A man can be changed by his thoughts. When there is change in thoughts, there is change in words actions and belief. Wise people are people who think with wisdom. Anything that exists today was a thought at first. Transformation occurs from the mind.

Roman's 12:2 NIV
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will".

The mind is powerful, we should put its power to good use

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