The World of Beautiful Sin

Since Adam and Eve ate the fruit in the garden they have been able to know the difference between the good and evil, and from time immemorial evil sometimes portray itself as good due to absence of good thinkers or doers in the world such as sorcery, war, civilization, technology and some branches of medicine, even now some evil actually portray itself as evil and despite the fact that we all know it we tend to turn the deaf ears to it and do it anyway.
A typical example of this is found in the lyrics of Hip Hop artist, they tell you in there songs that they are agent of Satan either directly or subtly with demonic music videos accompanying those songs and despite the fact that we all can see it clearly we tend to overlook and say it doesn't matter, everyone knows there's something fishy about rock n roll music and there dark coloured dressing with spikes all over and the words that are familiar with it, and still we follow tham and there dancing, clothing, fashion, and totally there entire lifestyle.
Also, when it comes to movies these days hardly will you see one without a demonic picture been flashed before you, in romantic movie there our men and women have come to accept various sexual pervasion, and it begs for answers, how do we get out of here. Awh I forgot to tell you our kids are not left out too on the cartoon network with various monster been showed to them valiantly.
I've searched within me what can deliver from this bondage, the answer is simple : Jesus Christ. And the unrelenting effort of men of God to arise to this situation.

Do have a beautiful Sunday.

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