[$10 SBD SteemChallenge Game Time!] A Movie Title Steem Roll - Replace One word in a movie title with the word "steem". (See full rules inside post!)

Hey again, Steemitizens!

Time for another PopUp SteemChallenge!!!

SteemChallenge.com has your backs, friends and steemitizens!

We know we may not be very perfect at it yet but we are just in the minnow stage as a product.

Now I'm looking for game and contest creators of every genre to come enjoy a free listing for a while on me, while we finally get this thing whipped into shape during some pre-release beta testing with interested steemit.com game and contest creator community participants. Just drop by https://steemchallenge.com/support and open a ticket with me directly (@SirCork) to talk about getting your game online in the directory!

Oh wait, you came here for a prize, not a plea for help though, right?

To win all you have to do is:

  • Write a comment below containing a movie title of your choosing.

  • Replace one word in the movie title with the word "steem" or "Steem".

  • Up-vote this post

  • Re-steem this post

  • Follow me, @SirCork

  • Oh and one last thing. You have to do all of the above AND get the most votes on your comment when I sort the page by "trending" comments and snapshot it at 1:30 AM EST tonight.

Now get going and checking off the rules steps! Let's see how far we can move this post around steemit in 5 hours. And soon enough, some lucky smarty pants with lots of people lovin' on their steemified movie title entry, will win some SBD tonight!

And just like that, this post is over.

Full steem ahead, steemitizens!



Visit my project, SteemChallenge.com: Steemit's first contest, game and challenge directory.

SteemChallenge.com Beta testing is underway!

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