
Since the announcement about the acquisition of Steemit, Inc I've written and subsequently scrapped three different multi-page posts about my thoughts on the situation. I know I should post something to the community but I have been struggling with what exactly I want to say.

I don't want to come out reassuring everyone that everything is going to be fine since I don't really know if that is the case. At the same time I don't want to spread doom and gloom since there is definitely the potential for this to be a very positive change for the platform and the community.

I should also note that I have no insider information or knowledge about the current situation or any future plans, so I'm dealing with the same set of publicly posted, and very conflicting, information as the rest of you.

The downside is that a new entity has taken ownership of a large and potentially controlling stake in the platform, and more importantly has significant control over what the name "Steem" represents. It is possible that the ultimate plan is to move everything over to the Tron blockchain, as was indicated in a number of publicly posted communications, and any attempt to do so would certainly be a serious issue for the future of the Steem platform as we know it.

On the other hand, Ned is no longer in control and in his place is an organization with significant resources and expertise in precisely the areas that Steemit, Inc has been severely lacking. If STEEM gets listed and integrated in all of the places that Tron is currently - from exchanges, to Samsung, to the Opera browser, and more - and if it can be marketed and promoted to a similar level, it can do absolute wonders for the price of the token and unlock a world of new possibilities and opportunities for the growth and development of the platform.

A number of people have asked me what they should do in response to the news, and to that the only thing I can say is that you should carefully consider the facts of the situation along with your own personal circumstances and do whatever makes the most sense for you.

As for me, I am going to continue building, promoting, and generally pushing for wider adoption of the Steem platform as I have been doing, and I will try to use whatever power or influence I may have to turn the Tron acquisition into as much of a positive development as possible.

No matter what may happen in the future, I am honored and extremely grateful to have been a part of this community and this experience with all of you.


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