That feeling you get when you buy more steem power (but know you really shouldn't!)


Hi Folks

So: What with the price of STEEM falling in the last week...along with upvoting probably way too much, my steem power just doesn't seem to be having the same effect as it did two weeks ago! :'-(

Well, there's only one thing for it then: Buy moaaare steem power (right?!!!) :)

Actually, i feel a bit bad for powering up some more as I really don't need it. (As well it quite likely being a pretty crazy thing to do when you already have a lot tied up in it.)

But, conversely, if we want to expand the user base of steemit by 10x, then we probably need 10x more in funding to keep the same level of payouts. And the only way that can happen is if somehow we increase the market cap by a similar factor too (right?). And the only the way that can happen is if more people start buying STEEM and powering up! Right, so I don't feel so bad, then :)

DISCLAIMER!: The caption in the meme is supposed to be ironic. I.e., I'm not suggesting buying steem is actually a good idea - in fact, I'm hinting that buying steem power could well be a crazy/not good idea! The price of steem can go down as well as up. As well as going to zero(!) Do not buy more than you can afford to lose. Etc. This is not investment advice!

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