Wi-Fi facility in home and office can prove to be fatal

Nowadays, Wi-Fi access is used for wireless service of the Internet everywhere. If there is a WiFi connection in your home or office, or there are WiFi zones around you, then be careful. A recent research has shown that there may be many types of dangerous diseases due to Wi-Fi. The way microsecines moving from mobile phones are harmful to our body, the increasing use of Wi-Fi in their daily lives can also prove to be quite fatal.

For your information, nowadays, wireless wi-fi facility is being used for internet connectivity everywhere.

Wi-Fi features are based on microwave. The rays coming out of it can cause a dangerous disease like cancer. We are not saying this, but 200 scientists from the country and around the world have conducted a thorough study of Wi-Fi, the results have been revealed in it.

The scientists have filed this petition in the United Nations after their research, in which they were told about the diseases caused by Wi-Fi.

It has been said in the report that Wi-Fi can not only cause cancer but also many other serious diseases. By the way, the radiation also works in the way the microwave oven works. 70 percent of human body is made of water, then only this radiation will have a deadly effect on us.

After exposure to Wi-Fi radiation, cells become victims of irregular growth, the risk of chronic renal cancer increases manifold. It has been reported in the study that staying longer in contact with Wi-Fi signals increases the risk of cancer.

In this way, you recommend that you keep Wi-Fi off when not needed. Also use it at least.

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