#introduceyourself the forgotten tag

How long has it been since you last visited the #introduceyourself tag?

I must admit that I had forgotten him lately ...
But today I have done it again...

Pleasantly, I found a few introductionsquite interesting like this one written by Oriol aka @thisweekin.

I quickly remembered how hard was my beginning here in STEEM almost three years ago...

My presentation was very improvised and really bad but, beyond that first post, it really took me a long time to understand that this whole STEEM game depended heavily on the relationships that you could build while "steeming".

Something that I think has changed since then is that before there was a lot of support and help for the newcomers.
Many people, including myself, wrote in their posts about new people to follow and help...

Today, this type of behavior does not seem to me to be very "fashionable".

That's why I think I should resume the "old habit" so, I promise to publish a post a week about new people that I follow and support.

At the moment I tell you that from today #ifollowto @thisweekin . This newcomer is an sport addicted and engineer as myself, I surely can guide him on his steem journey.

And you?

You could do the same and show me what people I should follow and support...

We may all improve this site and its level of engagement just by doing this action in a regular basis.


I am going to use the tag #ifollowto every time I found someone interesting in this blockchain so if you join me with this initiative do not forget to include it so we can find good candidates to follow.


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