How #Steemit could transform Cannabis Marketing and force others to play along instead of deleting accounts..

Marijuana Businesses NEED to know about Steemit, all around the world! Help them stop fighting the Facebook/Instagram war and just abandon ship altogether.

As Facebook, Instagram continue to turn their backs on legal cannabis businesses, Steemit can quickly step in and save the day.

As we've seen in many articles recently such as this one on Cannabis business all around the world have been facing backlash from social media platforms such as Facebook & Instagram. All too frequently are accounts deleted, banned, censored or outright hacked with no recourse. I have personally seen Instagram feeds of some of the most influential and popular companies in my state be deleted overnight, never to return. Most of the time these companies have created back ups as a measure against these policies, but more often than not they either don't come back at all, or they are forced to start a brand new account and start from yes, ZERO followers all over again. And that is not right.

Cannabis brands need a safe, censorship resistant social media platform for their content, marketing & Steemit could be that... popped up a while back, and at first glance it seemed like the perfect tool to sidestep he whole Instagram policing content problem, but soon we realized that in order to get everyone to use Massroots, everyone would also need to already be an avid marijuana enthusiast, so it sort of flopped for that purpose, but it's still a wonderful cannabis themed social network for cannabis aficionados to use from time to time, but this is by no means a full blown social media platform for EVERYONE that also includes cannabis users, its JUST a cannabis network of friends and so on. We need something more open sourced, more censorship resistance, content agnostic, something like... Steemit!

As a Cannabis Enthusiast and Legal Marijuana Marketing & Creative Director in Seattle, Washington. I will be using Steemit on the job 24/7 from here on out. Whats the point of using Instagram when they are just going to wipe my feed one day anyways? Facebook too, good riddance!

I hope everyone will tell your local shops about Steemit, all your cannabis loving friends as well! I hope one day to have an ecosystem where we can all freely share our opinions about any subject, including subjects that may be a bit more 'out there' such as cannabis, in a free transparent environment.

Thank you @Ned and @Dan for accidentally solving my, and every other cannabis businesses problem with Instagram, Facebook and everything that is wrong with social media in general. You guys rocks!

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