A bunch of bugs this morning.

We hit the SBD debt cap a few hours ago, and unsurprisingly it's led to a bunch of strange behaviors. Fortunately most of them seem to be bugs in the front ends, rather than the blockchain itself, and so far I haven't seen one that urgently needs to be fixed.

There is one potential blockchain bug that might actually be causing all the other ones: the chain appears to be reporting the debt ratio "magic number" as the feed price rather than getting it from the witness feed. I'm not 100% sure of this one yet, and I haven't been assiduously tracking it down because it doesn't really matter. The only side effect of this misreporting, if that is what's happening, is that the USD values given to post payouts will be incorrect. That would matter if we were paying out SBD, but even with the wrong feed price number we're so close to the cap that we're paying out a very minimal amount of SBD. Steem payouts are both multiplied and divided by the feed price so it cancels out.

Edit: This is apparently expected behavior as described in this post by @eonwarped. I don't think it was very well thought through, since the feed price is used for all sorts of things besides conversions, even if they're mostly cosmetic. But it's a design bug not a code bug.

It does matter to vote-selling services that use USD value in their calculations, like SmartMarket and MinnowBooster, but I haven't thought through in which direction yet. Their operators should be concerned but it won't make much difference to anyone else.

The other bugs that you're seeing are front-end bugs, not blockchain bugs, and they only really matter to the display. Steemit.com has gotten it into its head that each Steem is worth about 121 gigawatts million dollars, which is why everyone's account value is ridiculous. This is also why pending post payouts are zero; Steemit.com is grabbing the USD value of the post from the chain and then dividing by 121 million to get its estimate of payout. The payouts themselves happen on the chain side and appear to be happening correctly.

This all happened overnight before a national holiday in the US, probably the worst time for Steem to be cropping up bugs, and I'm just glad that none of them seem to be huge.


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