Why @steemalliance nominations suck (atm)

NomineesReason For Sucking
@nedis looking for a patsy to blame the fall of steem on
@aggroedpretends to be anarchist but creates more rules than government
@crimsoncladcensorship is her thing. dont mention it though, she'll ban you.
@whatsupvery rarely takes anything seriously, when he/she does, it becomes a shitfest.
@smoothburned 1000s of steem. still burning more.
@themarkymarkruns a bid bot. super scammer.
@fyrstikkenscammed adsactly, runs bid bot, probably worships satan.
@transistothinks he can control the entire platform by dictating what people should post.
@arcangespams with multiple bots and refuses to remove spam even if you request it.
@inertiaclaims he worked for steemit.inc, but he also has spam bots if i remember correctly.

to be continued.

this list was constructed during the initial phases of this bogus hypefest. if, when reading this, different people are in charge (in the unlikely event that this goes ahead) I strongly urge everyone to really investigate said people.

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