Steem has Achieved the First B+ Grade on Weiss Cryptocurrency Rating

This is first rate news that Steem is now the highest graded cryptocurrency on Weiss rankings!

The sector is getting to know which crypto is the high-quality :)
Good-Job to our community!

Other small details:
ADA went up to B
EOS and NEO went down to B-
BTS went up to B-
ETH kept B-

More details from Weiss

STEEM performs 1.5 mil on-chain transaction per day, which is good. Moreover,

STEEM is not just a cryptocurrency; it’s also a social media platform.

Also, STEEM has no fees, virtually, and user-friendly account name system.
Existence of other applications, such as DTube, is a good side too.

But "whale" issue drags the grade.

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