Spread the word. Help write the perfect Steemit Elevator Pitch!

Steemit has grown spectacularly since its inception. We can all help it to continue this meteoric rise but we need to use the power of word-of-mouth. So when you next meet someone what will you say in 60 seconds that will convince them to check out Steem?

Lets collaborate to craft the perfect Elevator pitch...

I think it would be helpful if we could all work together to craft a killer pitch for Steemit. Something that is easy to remember, gets the key benefits across and can be delivered in 60 seconds or less.

So here is my attempt. Please feel free to add or modify it in the comments below :-)

I've just discovered the most amazing website!
You have to check out Steemit.com
It's this cool social media site that everyone's talking about.
Each time you write a post or comment on someone else's you actually get paid in a digital currency called Steem dollars which you can easily convert to US dollars.
Some people are making thousands from a single post...
From finance to photography there is heaps so it's my goto social media site now!
If takes seconds to setup an account and you can start earning Steem straight away.
So check out it. Steemit.com

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