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Will Steem be the next generation Bitcoin?

STEEM is the next gold mine, comparing the advantages of Bitcoin:

  1. Transaction fee zero cost BTC is now up to 0.21 per transaction fee (at that time, BTC is $2,100), which is not suitable for micropayment, which is hindered by the circulation and use of BTC.
  2. Easy to remember the address of each person in steem (public key) corresponding to an account, convenient and easy to remember.Such as my tsinrong and BTC address is a series of hard to remember characters, such as "" 1 bvbmseystwetqtfn5au4m4gfg7xjanvn2", a lot of small white forget is easy to lose.He was handicapped by his use.
  3. Scalability BTC can only complete 7 transactions per second, steem thousands of transactions, high concurrent transaction processing is perfectly fine.
  4. The speed BTC transaction is confirmed to be at least 10 minutes (and the risk of price fluctuation). Steem is based on graphene, which can reach the millisecond level and kill in seconds.Now there are some apps based on steem:
  5. Medium and Reddit of Steemit - block chain, the community is very active.
    2.Busy- instant chat IM of Facebook based on block chain.
    Esteem -- IOS/Android phone app.
  6. Steepshot - is a photo sharing app -- a series of tools for steem.