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Why I See Steem Having The Biggest Market Cap In The Cryptocurrency Market ? - STEEM #1

I've seen a lot of articles talking about steemit and it's potential but I personally think that people focus only on Steemit instead of studying the whole picture and actually see the potential of the whole blockchain "Steem".

Why I See Steem Leading The The Cryptocurrency Market ?

One thing we have to acknowledge is the fact that the financial plan behind Steem is
"Revolutionary", I don't have to explain why, because I believe you all know why.

People often compare Steemit to Facebook, but in reality there is a big difference between the two platforms, to realize the power of the Steem Blockchain i love to compare Steemit to facebook And The entire social media world to the Steem blockchain, YES !

Facebook ---------- Steemit
Steem Blockchain ---------- Entire Social Media Space

Why ?

Remember the Steemblockchain is actually open source, which means that developers can come and creat apps and websites based on the blockchain, if the users are going to pay or be paid this will happen with Steem tokens.

Why would developers come ?

The Steem blockhain is one of the best ones out there, it's fast and secure, the database is already there which means that you only need an idea and time to actually creat a platform.

Lets Continue talking about the market cap

Right now, Steemit is the biggest site on the blockchain with over 200K users, the market cap already is 379 M, let's just be pessimistic and ignore the fact that a lot of apps and sites will be built based on the Steem Blockchain and the market cap can go higher because of that.

Tumblr 2015 (550 M users)

Let's just be pessimistic again and compare Steemit to Tumblr lol

With the current numbers in mind, if Steemit has 550 M users , the market cap will be : 94.75 Billion dollars whaaat ? That's double the Bitcoin cap right now.

94 billion dollars while being very very pessimistic :)

If you love my post give it an upvote and if you think I'm dumb write it down bellow on the comment section :), thanks for reading.