Why Doesn’t STINC Put Money From Selling Ad Space Into Their Own Ad Campaign?

Just a simple question from a STEEM user that wishes more people knew about this platform and what it’s about. I know we’re not necessarily the most accessible to newcomers anymore, but it seems worth it to offer the opportunity to people by getting the word out. I want to see Steemit and other Steem services on billboards, webpage sidebars, television, etc. They obviously see the value in selling ad space, why not flip the script and put up some ads themselves? Maybe this is a crazy idea, not worth it, and they’re broke, and this ship is sinking, or whatever people are saying nowadays. But if we, the users, and STINC really believe in this product, why wouldn’t we advertise? Isn’t that a huge part of addressing the masses? The “mass adoption” of crypto that everyone fantasizes about won’t just fall in our lap, we’ll have to seek out ways to get it the attention it deserves.


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