Vote Netuoso For Witness


Currently there is a push to vote for community witnesses, and I support it. We as a community should be rallying to get our elected witnesses back into consensus, rather than having Tron controlled nodes there. We have 30 votes, use them all!

This also means removing your witness votes for witnesses who have taken the bribe to run Tron’s code. Watch your votes, ask questions if you have them.

But one thing that seems to have been over looked is voting for witnesses who are actually technically competent to even write and run code, as well as who have been a huge, HUGE, asset in securing the chain.. one of them being @netuoso

While I agree that getting the witnesses that are closest to the top in, I also think it’s important to have technical ones there as well.. and you have 30 votes. Use them all.

I have stayed behind the scenes for most of this, just trying to focus on news coverage, but felt this was something that needed to get put out.. as many who are working hard behind the scenes are not in the old top 20.. and this chain wouldn’t be secure without them.

Vote @Netuoso for witness

Others that could you one of your other 30 votes-


These mentioned are what I would call technical witnesses and have been vital in securing the chain, while being low on the list still. I feel getting more technical witnesses further up the list is a good security measure at this time.

This is my opinion alone and advice based on what I’ve seen.


Excuse the shortness and lack of formatting here. I’m on mobile, at work.. and short on time, but felt it was an important message to get out.

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