Not everything is as you see it, it can be the other way around ...


There are two types of swirling ideas, the swirl of bad ideas that hurts everyone who is nearby and the swirl of good ideas, which generates better ideas and success.

To get out of a whirlpool of bad ideas you can help yourself out.

You can see that the day is bad because it is dark and it is going to rain ... or you can see that it is a special moment because NOT every day water falls from the sky, the lakes are filled, the fresh water comes, the plants have life and so the Chain of life can continue. Then everything does not seem so bad, and you can even take advantage of it and take a free bath in the open air "I hope it's not cold" but you can also get something special from it.

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This is my idea of ​​how that should be bad and how should be the good of how each person who wants to be happy should strive to see everything:

idea de lo malo y lo bueno.jpg
The black sphere should represent how bad we see things, that would be great! and the white sphere would be the good thing, in this way we achieve that the bad is almost nothing, transparent, it would be eclipsed by all the good things.

For example you can think that life is short and sorry for that or you can say "I will take advantage of every day, every moment as if it were my last day".


Very extremist for you?

If you take advantage of each day as if it were the last, then every moment of your day would be special.

In crisis there are two types of people: those who mourn and those who sell bandanas
It's not that hard, can you practice it? I practiced it today, instead of seeing the bad, I gave thanks for everything and looked for the good side of everything.

Even in difficulties, progress is made.

You might think, why is the one next to me doing better than me? It would only be enough to be in those person's shoes to realize that one is better. So do not put on someone else's shoes even if they're pretty, they might smell bad.

Not everything is as you see it, there are many things to be thankful for.

Decide today to be happy, despite all the circumstances that surround you, happiness is not just a circumstance, it is also a decision. It will not be easy, but it is not impossible.

Let me know your comment, I thank you for reading this publication, I hope it has been to your liking.



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