Steem - Justin Sun reveals Tron has invested in Steem

Justin Sun just revealed his involvement with Steem

Over the past several months there has been much speculation regarding Justin Sun, Tron, Steem, and

There has been a ton of smoke suggesting there is some kind of relationship or partnership between the two sides but it hasn't been clear exactly what that relationship is.

That is, until now.

In a recent interview, Sun revealed that Tron is invested in Steem in some form.

Fast forward to the 20:41 mark in the clip below to see what I am talking about:

Sun says some very interesting things that helps shed some light on their relationship with steem.

What did he say specifically?

For those not wanting to watch the clip, keep reading below...

Specifically, Sun said that they have only really made 2 acquisitions to date and the rest of the things they are involved with are more along the lines of a financial backing of the project while letting the original team lead the project.

He would go on to say that Poloniex and Steem both fit that category.

Going a bit further he went on to say that they haven't publicly announced anything with steem YET, though there did seem to be something there for sure.

Specifically he said this:

"And also of course Steem, like we haven't said anything about Steem yet. So, its all, like, in commercial like discussion. We haven't like released any news."

So, it sounds like there is something there, they just haven't announced it YET.

And it sounds like it is some sort of investment in the project.

Whether that investment is in Steem,, or Steemit,Inc remains to be seen...

It isn't completely clear the nature of their investment or which part of steem they are invested in exactly.

Either way though, it sounds like we are finally starting to get some clarity as to what exactly the Justin Sun and Tron relationship is with Steem and

Hopefully we continue to get more clarity as we move forward.

And, it sounds like eventually they will be announcing some things publicly as they relate to steem.

Perhaps it has something to do with SMTs... and can't announce until it actually launches?

Dun dun dun. :)

Who knows, but this is good news either way.

Stay informed my friends.


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