Let's Create a Steem crypto Slang Grossary To Help New Users.


This month I compiled a list of slang words to help my friends and family navigate the crypto and internet forums.

There are many Bitcoin and Steem Glossaries but they don't include many of the slang words we use.

Let's expand this to Steem and create a Steem Glossary for new users.

I've already started compiling a list of words and phrases

Here is my crypto slang Dictionary.

  • the very first bot on Steemit, who started to get a bit sentinent because in addition to up-voting introduction posts, he used to post a helpful comment with a list of FAQ links. Lots of delighted noobs tried to have a conversation with him!
    an act of being the first to comment on a post, while seeking advantage in comment reward.
  • A person who uses Steemit on a daily basis.
  • a person that includes lots of relevant links from other steamit authors in their posts and comments.
  • a new person who doesn't yet understand everything.
  • New comer killing it with his content and growing his steempower fast.
  • adjective; when a new user is frustrated at their inability to make quick Steem dollars; so steemin’mad the majority of their posts and replies are rants on the issue.
  • The life circa who joined in may-july 2016.


  • A person who has 1000+ MV.
  • A person who has 100 - 1000 MV.
  • A person who has 10 - 100 MV.


  • A person who has 0 - 10 MV.
Bern's upvote



-the smallest possible fraction of cryptocurrency available for transactions. It refers to 0.00000001 Bitcoin

candlestick chart
  • a popular chart that shows price action in the form of candlesticks.
  • Anything except Bitcoin in the eyes of Bitcoin maximalists.
  • The sites that offer free digital currency are called “faucets.”
  • someone that gives digital blow jobs for SBD.
  • someone that flags out of opinion.
flag wars
  • when groups of people enter in the revenge flagging.
  • a person that is only getting upvotes because the person adds sexy pictures.
  • someone who knows nothing about cryptocurrencies yet is dabbling in them.
  • a global Steem community crowdfunded marketing campaign, making use of billboards and other advertising mediums to drive the growth of the Steem Blockchain community.
  • An active user who drives the growth of the Steem blockchain community by supporting or taking part in marketing efforts to promote the community.
Decentralized Platform
  • means the Platform isn't issued or controlled by a centralized authority, such as a bank or government.
  • A command line tool that allows to interact with STEEM network.
Steem wallet
  • an application that allows to manage your STEEM currency.
  • Delegated Proof of Work : A consensus mechanism used by STEEM to create new blocks in the block chain.
    Witness: A trusted member of the community, expected to run a block-producing Steem node running 24/7.
  • When A Drunk Guy Tries To Spell the word Hold.
  • Credibility of an individual on the Steemit community.
  • Not Safe For Work - Adult oriented contents.
Posting key
  • allows you to perform blogging related activity like posting and voting.
Active key
  • allows you to manage the "money" on the account i.e. transfer steem, sell, deposit
Owner key
  • Can do everything except what the memo key does
Memo key
  • Governs private messaging
Master key
  • First key you make, can do everything other keys can do
  • This is equivalent to cash. Can be traded on exchanges, used to buy SBD, used to power up. As of writing, the projected inflation is %100 a year, so primarily used for short term speculation and transactions.
  • Equivalent to equities/stocks. Represents investment in Steemit; gives you a claim on the total amount of Steem.
    Steem Power (SP)
  • Shows how much Steem it would take to purchase all your Vests. This is the common/easy way of looking at vests, and is the one used in the steemit wallet. More Steem Power gives you more voting power and influence on Steemit content.
Power Up
  • When you convert your Steem into Steem Power (Vests). You are effectively buying stock in Steemit. You are investing for the long haul.
Power Down
  • When you convert Steem Power into Steem. Can only be done at a rate of %1 of Steem Power per week. (i.e. it would take 2 years for you to sell it all).
Steem Tokens
  • Refers to Steem, Steem Power, and Steem Based Dollars.
Voting Power
  • How much influence you have on final payout when voting (more voting power means you will add more money to the final payout when you vote). Increases with more Steem Power. Temporarily decreases the more you vote in a short time period (to prevent upvote spamming).

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