Vlog#37: About panel board ampere and volt meters

안녕하세여 jkim1285입니다.
Hello? Stimians ? This is jkim1285😉~~
I quit my job yesterday. From now on, I am unemployed but I puy my passion on the company. So I decided to record what I have learnt. (Maybe I have some kind of trauma that I may lose my knowledge for this as time goes by)


Today, I would like to introduce analog panel board meters.

As you can see there are two pictures above, which are analog volt and ampere meters.

Someone may think that today's panel meters are digitalized as usual, therefore analog meters are old-fashioned. However, analog meters are used in a variety of industries, such as aircrafts cars, automated control parts and so on to prevent electronic disturbance from other machines.

The size of the meters are standarized as 60x60, 80x80, and 110x110 (unit: mm) according to Korean Standard. (aka KS) In general, KS follows DIM(Germany Standard).

When you look at the pictures, the meters are painted with green and black. Green is raley used in Korea because Korean Electronic Corp., a conglomerate in electronic industry, encourages venders to use black.
Also, manufactures save their time by using black because green one is not a prototype, so should it be painted.

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