1 simple reason Steemit is a pile of shit and how to change it

The nicest thing I can say about Steemit right now is that it has potential.

The critical things that make Steemit a pile of shit right now is?

People with major voting power giving guidelines that include "not talking about politics"

One of the supposed benefits of the platform is supposed to be censorship resistance but with some of the major voting power giving guidelines that include not talking about politics? Seriously did they forget that censorship resistance isn't important if you want to talk about global warming or feminism?

I've just finished reading this post on Steemit that purports to be trying to encourage users that they might be able to win big votes on Steemit if they write content that follows certain guidelines.

I posted a comment there and it was so long I decided to make it a post. If it doesn't make any money then this site will be dead to me. I'll be sorry to see it's potential wasted on Recipes and Cat pictures.

Here's the comment

This fails to excite or encourage me because your guidelines show an air of the bratty self righteousness of a parent speaking down to his/her children and then complaining their kids are brats. I'm sorry but no political posts?!?!

Seriously you expect mature adults to use this site or children? We can't avoid politics anymore than we can avoid social justice worriers (yep, it's spelled that way on purpose)

Right now politics is the reason YouTube has changed it's terms of service and it's removing anyone that is remotely controversial because they aren't deemed "Advertiser Friendly".

You make this an unfriendly place for the Anarchist types that have the most to gain from a censorship resistant platform and you're just going to shoot yourselves in the foot.

Wake the fuck up and vote this up, because if I don't get some upvotes soon, I'll just be another guy who posted shit on here for a few weeks and gave up on Steemit's potential.

Potential is the nicest thing I can say about this place right now.

Chris Ray Gun is mad, and I was thinking of recommending he post stuff here, but he talks about politics, swears and isn't very "Advertiser Friendly" and posts like this won't make him feel welcome.

This was long enough to be a post so it will be, it'll be my last if this becomes another copyright protecting, politically correct, controversy free zone.

Don't let Steemit die an uncontroversial, politically correct death. If you want to do something about it, vote for controversial content and stop pandering to the PC and copyright police!!!

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