Monetize your skills to the max with content creating platform like Steem

We are in the era of content creating. Content creators never had the opportunity as good as now to monetize their works. Leading by Steem, content publishing platforms backed by crypto and blockchain spring up like mushrooms ranging from the Chinese Yoyow, YOURS to the LBRY and GIFTO, and many more.

Since I already involved in the awesome Steem for about a year and most of my readers are most probably Steem users, I will use Steem as the main example in this writing.

We are all unique and good at something individually

This is the first assumption I have to make and I do believe in it unless you are a 3-year-old who cannot operate a computer properly yet. We have our full-time job to attend to, it would be an academic school if you are a student. If you already doing what you love in the full-time job, congratulation for landing a dream life that many can only dream of.


Often, we are usually good at something we don't do for a living. If can be the mainstream hobbies like fitness, singing, drawing, dancing to the niche interest like programming, rare collectables, or art of makeup.

Literally, anything one interested in doing could be something others find interesting. And that could be the great source of content creating.

If you are good at nothing, I'm sorry but you need to get out of the boring unproductive life and pick up something for god's sake.

Artist, graphic designer, painter

Art is what I do most in my spare time since joining Steem one year ago while working as a system admin for a day job, probably it is one of a few presentable skills I have got. Throughout the days of creating entries for art contests, I found a couple of ways to maximize the artwork value at a one-time effort, here is the formula:

I record the drawing process using DIY overhead camera so I can later publish it on dTube(not yet publishing). Since I have the video ready, it would cost me nothing to post it again on YouTube. People would love to watch art-process videos like that.


The finished artwork will be the main material for a formal write-up on Steem describing the making-of process. Better yet, instead of creating something randomly I can source for interesting contests and take part accordingly. By doing so, I can profit from the original post-payout and stand a chance to earn the prize.

Furthermore, my recent collaboration with @cryptogee will greatly enhance my audience stream for the artwork at the same time his stories could be complemented with some precise illustrations. While you can't just force such opportunity to happen but the possibility is unlimited with Steem amazing communities.

In short, out of a single drawing I will end up with at least two content in different form, and multiply its profitability by participating in contest and collaboration.

Singing, dancing, performing artist.


You can turn anything into a content with the help of Steem platform. Take singing for an instance, you may record the singing process in the studio with a video. Extract the audio and upload it as a song to DSound, and upload the music video of you singing to DTube. Live streaming the singing via DLive could use a great way to build up fanbase quickly as well.

Finally, you may do a write-up regarding the song, contribute it to some singing challenges.

Other talents or interests

Applies the same formula to everything you love doing, without limitation.


Love to cook? Take photos of the process and make an article about the recipe, record the cooking process down and make it a video. If you are giving instructions or guides through the process, extract it out in audio format and you have the material of your new God of Chef podcast series.


Lego lover? No problem. Do a time-lapse video on how you build one model from scratch, write about the process and end product. Additional audio content if you are talkative. Or you may even do a live streaming via DLive.

The possibility is endless if you know which service to use.


So you got the idea now, it is about how to harvest multiple contents in a single activity. Think about how you can turn the readable content(Steemit) to a watchable video(DTube or DLive), listenable format(DSound), applicable software(Utopian) and many more.

One tip: To maximize the profit out of the hobby, you must be really good at that in order to stand out. Folks have no interest in watching fitness video that teaches how to accomplish 5 pushups.

Happy monetizing your skills!

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