Officially launching EpicDice, a highly rewarding game on Steem!

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What is EpicDice?

EpicDice is a decentralized dice game built on top of Steem blockchain which aims to provide a refined gambling experience while keeping simplicity intact.

  • Provably-fair, and simple betting system using only Steem Transaction ID.
  • 12.5% referral bonus from house edge, highest in town.
  • Most lucrative bonus program by permanent referral bonus and one-day lockdown mechanism.
  • Lower house edge for the first week, for the last time.
  • Incoming custom token for profit sharing via dividend

Let the fun begin

Absolute Fairness, with plain simplicity

EpicDice adopting a provably fair mechanism as that's the whole point of gambling on top of the blockchain.

This is the first dice game using only the random Steem transaction ID from every bet as the source of generating a winning number. A unique transaction ID will be generated for every transaction on Steem, no one is able to predict the next transaction ID before the block is processed. Hence, the fairness could be easily proven and there is no way for cheating at all. The winning number generation process is designed to be dead simple and easy to understand.

Transaction ID of every fired bet will be used as the source of input for random number generation between 1 to 100. There is no client seed and server seed involved in the process. We've backtested the algorithm using the last two months of live transactions on the chain and proven there is no bias toward any range of number generation.

The most rewarding Referral System

Introducing the most promoter-friendly referral system on the dice game industry. Whenever you referred new users, you earn 12.5% of house edge out of his bet amount, no matter win or lose. And the best thing is you get to earn the user's referral bonus permanently, until the new user switch to using other's referral link.

Tom referred Alice on day one. Tom would be entitled to all the wager played by Alice. If Alice never use any third person link to place a bet afterwards, Tom will continue to earn the referral bonus out of Alice, forever.

To offer extra credit to referrer who land on the new user, Epicdice's referral system applied One-day Lockdown mechanism which allows the new user's referral bonus tied to the referrer for the first 24 hours even if user switch to other links within the same day.

After a few plays using Tom's link (new referral relationship is formed), Alice turns to use Soloman's link. The referral bonus will still go to Tom due to the One-day Lockdown feature on the same day.

Pending bonus will be updated real-time and be paid off automatically every 24 hours.

Lower house edge for the first week

Nothing sounds better than a lower house edge. EpicDice is running a 1.5% house edge for the first 7 days of promotional period before adjust back to 2%. This is the only time we set the house edge this low for to complement the game launching, don't miss the opportunity to take advantage while it lasts.

Play EpicDice


Steem Keychain developed by @yabapmatt is the preferred way for a game site like Epicdice as it stores the sensitive private keys only locally in the browser. Also, it uses popup for a transaction which allows user to stay on the game site all the time, resulting in a more fluent gaming experience.

Currently, EpicDice can only be accessed via three browsers (Chrome, Firefox, and Brave) and required Steem Keychain. Steemconenct will be integrated very soon so the mere dependency on Keychain can be removed.

Maximum payout on win is currently limited to 100 STEMM/SBD. For example, roll under 25 will have a payout multiplier of 4.13x, that means 24.242 STEEM is the maximum bet allowed to win the potential 100 STEEM prize. We will increase this limit in the coming phase.

Let the fun begin

Incoming features, including custom token for profit sharing

No casino runs without its own chip. We are in the middle designing the custom token which nowadays seems to be one of the biggest features to benefit both the players and bankers. The token not only allows the house to share its profit via dividend but to sustain the economic health of the whole gaming platform and future development.

Custom token implementation would be best taken care by smart contract. However, SMT is a promise that never realised and although we have a great alternative service like Steem Engine(huge credit to @yabapmatt, aggroed and @harpagon) , we are still in the midst of exploring the best option available. While more importantly, carefully design the economy of our soon-to-be-created token.

Like many other blockchain gaming platforms, such custom token would only be mined through playing the game. While it is not available yet, all valid bets from now on will be respected and be paid accordingly once the token system is ready. After all, fairness is why we are loving the blockchain.

In addition, we have more exciting features to keep enhancing the game.

  • Enabling true Auto-Bet function which requires zero user interaction for continuous betting
  • Jackpot system where players get to draw more as they play more.
  • Support mobile platform better with a native application or progressive web application.

Resteem for 100 STEEM


Resteem this post to stand a chance to win a total prize up to 100 STEEM! Three prizes with amount 50 STEEM, 30 STEEM, and 20 STEEM will be giveaway after seven days when this very post is expired. If you have at least 200 followers and 40 reputation, just resteem this post and you will be in the list which we will be used for picking three winners randomly.

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