I am confused again

I made a post about the SBD Potato guy a few days ago and nobody was reading it so I promoted the posted. I was reprimanded by @steemflagrewards @slobberchops and @steevc and the rest of the crew piled on the flags.

I was lectured by many that buying votes is frowned upon even though my message was a good one. I might add, now everyone is talking about the SBD Potato Head on trending. Here is my post that everyone was so quick to flag


Then I see this post https://steemit.com/fraud/@jaguar.force/this-is-how-oracle-d-abuses-its-steemit-delegation-voting-37-obviously-plagiarized-threespeak-videos-by-the-same-account-in-2

And I see @steemflagrewards voted for it as well as some of the same people that flagged me for buying votes.

Well, guess what ? This poster spent almost $15 to promote their post and I spent under $4.

Here's my lecture


here's the @steemflagrewards vote on the other post that bought votes https://steemit.com/fraud/@jaguar.force/this-is-how-oracle-d-abuses-its-steemit-delegation-voting-37-obviously-plagiarized-threespeak-videos-by-the-same-account-in-2


and here is the comment under the post about how much they paid for votes


So will they now flag that post and if not will you please remove the flags from my post or do some people get a pass ?

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